Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 1 of The O2 Diet Challenge

Height: 5'7 3/4"
BMI: 21.44

This morning I dragged my self out of bed at the usual 5 am, but instead of fortifying myself with Peet's French Roast, I had an invigorating (NOT) blast of water with 1 oz of lemon juice and a big cup of Peet's Yin Hao Jasmine Green Tea and my little tiny prescribed breakfast for the first of the 4 day cleanse, Phase I of the O2 Diet. Neither of these provided me with the warm comforting yummy goodness that I normally enjoy with a typical breakfast of whole grain toast, almond butter, and organic low fat latte. ONLY 3 more mornings of this not-so comforting but not too bad breakfast before I get to go back to my standard breakfast which fits in perfectly with Phase II!

Next step: the gym for 45 minutes of hard cardio. Normally I do 20 minutes of kinda easy cardio with 25 minutes of weight lifting which I much prefer over straight cardio. But I did it! Well, almost. I did 45 minutes of somewhat hard (13 on the Rate of Perceived Exertion --RPE-- Scale, I guess). Tomorrow I will go for working harder--maybe a 15 RPE. Easy to say now! Promises, promises. Why is it so much harder to keep promises to myself than to others?

I got through my typical midmorning hunger with the prescribed apple and cinnamon. That tart apple was pretty tasty sprinkled with cinnamon, a very high ORAC value spice which I am supposed to consume lots of. I do like cinnamon and it lowers cholesterol too, so I am definitely on board with it. By lunch I was feeling pretty hungry again, and COLD! So I warmed up my lunch, snarfed it down and sipped my green tea. (supposed to have that with afternoon snack, but I try to avoid caffeine after 1 pm so I can fall asleep by 9:30. Call me a REBEL!) My hunger quotient (HQ) which Glassman asks us to tune into regularly, is 6. That means I am slightly hungry--I could definitely have SEVERAL more bites! I am more used to feeling very satisfied if not full (HQ3) after a meal. Maybe I shoulda chugged down a whole glass of water with lemon juice BEFORE the lunch. NOTE TO SELF: do that before dinner.

I WANT MY COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will email Keri's staff and ask when I can have that! She said yes, but NO sweetener or whitener. I think I will skip it for now. MAYBE I can hold out for 4 days. Maybe not!

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