Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Awesome Ancho rubbed Tilapia with AvoMango salsa, terrific Jicama Cabbage slaw and good and easy Chicken Mole: reviews of O2 Recipes

After watching my fabulous albeit cooking averse assistant, Alissa, get very enthusiastic about actually making the recipes in The O2 Diet (she loved the 4 day cleanse and decided to start eating some of the O2 foods), I decided to try a few more myself.

Today I made the Ancho rubbed Tilapia with Avocado Mango salsa. YUMMY! I also made the Cabbage Jicama slaw that accompanies the Ahi recipe. Both delicious and very easy. For dinner I made the Mole Chicken. Now I like my food SPICY HOT so I added some ancho chili powder. Instead of wasting my precious Scharfenberger bittersweet chocolate, I used a cocoa powder/chili powder blend. It was quite yummy and very easy to make. It is NOT the same as the Mole Chicken I have had all over Mexico, including Puebla where Mole is sold everywhere, each stand and restaurant better than the next. But it is quite good! I recommend it!

I'm going to plow through all of the recipes that appeal to me and serve my favorites at the first O2 Diet and Lifestyle lecture at my office on Tuesday May 25 at 7 pm.

Make sure to come for some yummy food and great information. Call the office in advance to let us know you are coming so I have enough chairs and food. You need not be a patient to attend!


~ Dr. Lisa

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