After a pretty damn indulgent holiday season on the heels of recovering from a knee injury which got me off exercise for a month, I am back on Keri Glassman's 02 Diet, starting with the 4day cleanse. For those of you who are not familiar with The 02 Diet by Keri Glassman, you can read about it at her web site: The diet stresses anti-oxidant and omega 3 rich foods, asking you to increase ORAC points, rather than decrease calories. In other words, the idea is to focus on feeding yourself healthfully rather than depriving yourself.
I lived very successfully on this eating approach for 18 months, keeping my weight at my ideal and feeling quite healthy and energetic. Gradually, with the prodding, encouragement and blogging by Dr. Jack Kruse, I started to reduce my grain consumption to the point of elimination. Until November when I injured my knee. Gradually my exercise then my eating plan derailed. And when I started eating those grains, my gut protested with cramping, loose bowels alternating with constipation. Not fun stuff.
So I am going 02 without the grains! Think Paleo Diet with some dairy and limited fruit. Instead of the carb serving, I will occasionally have a root or tuber (sweet potato, parsnip, beet, carrot, or, in a similar vein, pumpkin). And, here is the clincher, I am going to do this without sugar. So when I get to Phase III, my conscious indulgences will likely involve stevia or Truvia to sweeten chocolate for "paleo bark" or hot cocoa.
I know that my biggest challenge will be with wine. One glass, which is all that Keri Glassman recommends as a conscious indulgence, is VERY hard for me. I always want a second. And after that, my will power deteriorates considerably.
So today is Day 1 of the cleanse. I am doing just fine at lunch time.
eggs with oregano and spinach for breakfast
2 cups of green tea
16 oz of water
1 granny smith apple and cinnamon
big spinach salad with 4 oz organic chicken, tomato, cabbage, radish and 1/4 avocado, balsamic vinegar
HQ has stayed between 4-6 all day
As for the scales......
Well after a 10 day food fest, I am too terrified to weigh in today. How stupid. Why would I give a number that kind of power? I am still me and the number is the number--but reflective, I suppose, of how I have chosen to treat myself in the last weeks. So I will weigh in tomorrow and reveal the "re-start point".
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