Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cayenne and Ginger and Tumeric, Oh My!

And there is more: Capsaicin in cayenne increases production of the protective mucosal barrier of the stomach lining; both garlic and ginger fight H. Pylori Bacter, a bacteria that causes many ulcers, and Tumeric reduces acidity of the stomach lining.

So far, I am finding lots of great spices to consume to speed my healing and get off the Prilosec! Yay!

Instead of Green Tea, I'll be drinking ginger-cinnamon tea for awhile! And NO problem adding cayenne and tumeric and marjoram to my foods.

P.S. my oh my, this 130 lb status is a bit too thin, I think. I may be alone in this opinion, but I believe 52 year old women look better with a bit of softness and bodyfat. While I am not gaunt or skeletal, I don't want to lose one more ounce. Gaining a couple of pounds would be just fine;-)


  1. I am glad to read you are doing better! Great advice on the spices

  2. Zeyi, thanks for the sweet post. I will keep you posted on how successful I am with the spices as I wean go off the prilosec next week. Lots of others have trouble posting. How did you do it? do you have a gmail account? Perhaps only folks with a gmail account can post?

  3. I do have a gmail account and you can post without a gmail account by using other post and also if you allow anonymous posts and then you can approve the posts after you read them.


Comment away. I will try to answer all questions!