Today, I re-read the first two chapters of The O2 Diet and was reminded to keep "My Switch Flipped". What Keri Glassman means by this is that I need to keep my focus on what I am building (vibrant health inside and out) versus what I am get rid of (fat, wrinkles, pimples, etc). This concept is what drew me to The O2 Diet in the first place, and it totally resonates with what I KNOW to be true, but it is so easy to stay focused on what I don't like about myself and the parts of myself I want to get rid of. This kind of self criticism is de-motivating, counterproductive and NOT how I want to spend the moments of my life. And Soooo...
time to re-focus:
Today I choose to FEED myself in nurturing and positive ways as I continually create my health:
Drink more lemon water
Make sure I eat my healthy morning and afternoon snacks of fruits, vegies and raw nuts (skipping them results in getting too hungry leading me to eat too much at once or make unhealthy choices)
Add more herbs and spices to my meals (so easy to forget that marjoram, oregano, tumeric. Got the cinnamon handled: it goes in my teas, coffees, almond butter toast and yogurt every day!)
Nourish my skin excellent cleansing.
Take a few moments for myself (despite my husband's continual asking "have you fed the cats, gotten the mail, done the laundry, changed the catbox, called the tax accountant, blah blah blah) in a very busy day.
Do something nice for someone else
Now...for some more of that lemon water!
I am doing the same and good idea to go back and read the first 2 chapters again. I read the first 3 over the weekend. I am feeling much better and happy I saw the gastro, he found I have an inflamed stomach and I am on meds! I am excited to get back to a healthy stomach and more more more broccoli!