Friday, April 9, 2010

OK. Now I wanna GAIN BACK 5 lbs!

I am still hanging at 130 lbs and I have decided I am just too skinny! What a weird dilemna. So now the challenge is to gain 5 lbs very carefully while eating very healthfully without resuming bad habits. I want to build muscle and not just deposit fat on my belly and back, so my plan is to add 3-4 oz protein at breakfast. I can't eat eggs often without getting sick, so I'm going with non fat organic plain yogurt, chicken, fish and eggs and whey powder on a rotational basis.
We'll see how that works.

I am still working on remembering to drink my water! so easy to forget and yet so important.

And those SNACKS! so important. I must ALWAYS remember to pack them with me AND eat them!!! If not, I get into trouble with wanting to eat stuff that is not healthy.

I have been a VERY GOOD girl about avoid baked goods and treats. Just keep that dark chocolate coming! REad the menu at right. The Chocolate nut fruit crumble is sooooo yummy!


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