Tuesday, January 3, 2012

High Energy on the 4 Day Cleanse

Day 1 on The 02 Diet Phase I Cleanse completed successfully. Well, I didn't do an entire body scrub, but maybe I will do that today....

The big difference this time around is that I was not starving all day, basically keeping my HQ at the desired 4-6 level. I did that by re-arranging the meals, placing the big voluminous salad at lunch, having the pecans WITH the artichoke hearts as an afternoon snack (a little fat to stabilize my blood sugar til dinner time) and the salmon with steamed spinach and grilled asparagus for dinner. I also added spinach and a few bites of fresh tomato to my eggs--extra ORAC points and fiber/bulk without loading calories. This is a much tastier way of doing the eggs. Tomorrow I will do some artichoke hearts and mushshrooms in the eggs.

I think I may weigh in today. Scary. Or maybe I will wait until Friday morning after the 4 day cleanse, but then I won't know how effective the 4 day was....hmmmm. Really, I know that I should not give the numbers that much power, and focus on how I feel instead...which is pretty good! Had a 6.5 mile moderately difficult hike (lots of hills) this morning and felt good throughout. Furthermore, I am in a good mood.  This is a big shift from how I felt 2 days ago (Jan 1) at the NY day Open House where I ate way too much (can you say 6 cookies and 3 pieces of English toffee?) and felt super tired from 3 nights in a row of partying (aka wine and margaritas) and staying up late (for me that is past midnight).

Already looking forward to Phase II when I can have dairy in my milk and a bit more fat and some salt --which means I can add salsa to my eggs, more tasty marinades for my fish and chicken and meat.

My girlfriends, L and K, have just started the 4 day today. I don't think K liked her eggs without cheese. It is those little unmeasured additions that add 400-500-1000 calories per day to our diets and how we end up 10 lbs heavier in a year! So back to measuring and watching the 'little cheats"!

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