Thursday, April 29, 2010

Regressing and advice from the Master!

I have been avoiding this blog, I suppose. My excuse is that I don't know what to write about, but that's just an excuse. I do know what to write about. I've been waning. Eating more unconsciously like eating nuts or nut butter handful after handful without pre-measuring. While at the computer doing useless stuff on Facebook. Right before bed. Too late. Compromising my sleep. Avoiding something. Something that is causing me internal stress: some emotion, some problem that I would rather not acknowledge.

So, I confessed this to Keri Glassman and instead of playing archeologist/therapist she suggested that I engage in a very simple process. Identify my unconscious eating trigger. In my case it is unconscious stress: a subliminal sense that something is not quite right. It comes on at times when I don't have time to deeply analyze things like right before bed or in-between patients. Keri suggested that I come up with a list of "Controls," things I can do to combat these triggers without eating extra calories. She suggests: "A food control could be something like cucumber salad or celery sticks with paprika (something that has virtually no calories), assuming you are eating with no hunger and it is all emotional but need the crunch." She also suggested non-food controls if there isn't hunger to channel the stress into something constructive.

So here are my Controls:
Food Controls: keep plenty of baby bell peppers and cukes and premeasured bags of nuts on hand.
Non Food Controls: take 5 minutes to do one thing I have been procrastinating on: a work comp report, a phone call, a blog entry, clean out my closet for 5 minutes, brush my teeth and drink a big glass of water.

Let's see how this goes.....

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