slice my granny smith apple and toss it in a little lemon juice and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp cinnamon. put in ziploc bag and take to work for snack time along with 9 PRECOUNTED pecans.
keep lots of cans of artichoke hearts packed in water at home and at work for snacks, salads, dinner! easy and tons of ORAC points
keep a bottle of olive oil and fig balsalmic vinegar at work so that when I bring my daily lunch and dinner, I don't have to pack salad dressing. I also keep a shaker of cinnamon and oregano at work for quick ORAC points. Great sprinkled on lots of stuff: cinnamon on apple and green tea and plain yogurt; oregano on salad, fish, chicken, etc.
every morning, fill two 24 oz water bottles and squeeze a lemon into each of them. take to work. finish one in the morning; one in the afternoon before returning home.
whisk 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 vanilla into my morning coffee. Got this from the The O2 Diet book! Yum! Who would ever need a mocha or a sweetener with this yummy combo that smells so delicious you are fooled into thinking it is sweet!
Got a bunch of glass containers with plastic locking lids in different sizes at Costco. I toss in a bunch of raw spinach, cut up raw brocolli and or red bells and some cooked salmon or chicken. Take to work. Remove lid and add a little splash of water. Microwave 2 minutes. The glass makes for SAFE MICROWAVING. splash with some fig balsalmic. PRESTO! Lunch done!

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